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Field Trips

Field trips are held at various times throughout the year to many locations.


In the event of rainfall 24 hours prior to a trip, excessive winds, or other issues trips may be cancelled. Watch your email for updates. 

Upcoming Trips: see your latest newsletter or your club emails.


Field Trip Safety:


  • When following the field trip guide, stay close enough to the car in front of you that you can see them and they can see you, at all times. If you have a flat tire or another problem, turn on your emergency blinkers and pull to the side and stop. The vehicle in front of you should notice and also pull to a stop. This stopping should go forward in the line until the entire caravan stops. At this time the problem can be identified and decisions made. In short, you are in charge of the guy behind you


  • When driving on unpaved roads be mindful of sharp rocks sticking up. These can go through your side walls easily, so avoid them


  • If you get stuck in sand, air down to as far as 15 pounds of air in your tires. You should be able to proceed easily. Normally we do not go though sand, but you need to be able to deal with it in that event. You can get portable compressors that are small to put into your emergency kit.


  • If you have 4-wheel drive, USE IT. In most vehicles, switching to 4-wheel drive is as easy as pushing a button or moving a handle. I always like to think of it as getting my money's worth out of my Jeep


  • Watch out for snakes, scorpions and spiders, especially when turning over a rock


  • Don't wander off alone, out of sight of others


  • Pair up with a partner when exploring


  • Drink plenty of water, dehydration is a big danger in the desert


  • Stay out of abandoned mines. A cave in could ruin your day


  • Keep an eye on the weather, a sudden rainstorm miles away, can cause a flash flood


  • Wear safety glasses when using your rock hammer or chisel


  • Never lick a rock; Some minerals are poisonous, always use a spray bottle, instead


  • Always wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat. Wear protective clothing and boots

    Sandals are for the beach; not the desert.


  • If you are leaving the collecting area early, notify the trip leader


  • Some areas may require a hard hat to be worn.


  • Use lots of common sense and have a good time - last, but not least, do not over collect! It is not good for your Karma to over collect



What to bring:


  • leave with a full tank of gas in your vehicle


  • food & snacks


  • sunscreen & lip balm


  • chairs and even a EZup if you are planning on being out for long


  • plenty of water no matter the time of year


  • tools to collect with: rock hammers, pry bars, chisels, etc. You will usually be told what the collecting conditions are so you can plan accordingly


  • favorite digging tool


  • camera


  • empty buckets or rock bags - put your name on them. There are a lot of similar buckets, so we don't want to pick up someone else's collection


  • gloves & safety glasses


  • walking stick


  • sunglasses


  • paper towels & newspaper for wrapping rocks


  • first aid kit with signal whistle and mirror


  • cellphone (remote areas may or may not have service)


  • two way radios, binoculars and GPS are also helpful.


Print and fill out Field Trip Waiver to give to field trip leader. You may print the Field Trip Info to have it handy.


Email the Webmaster for any website questions, corrections, or to report links that are not working. For general questions about SNGMS please email or use the contact form to send it to the club.

©2019 by Southern Nevada Gem & Mineral Society. Proudly created with

All photos courtesy of our generous members

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