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Lifetime Members
Life membership is a distinguished and privileged title extended to an adult member with a minimum of ten years membership and who has made a significant contribution to the club. They must be nominated and approved by the Board of Directors and the general membership.
Frank Auerswald
Lue Bartlett
Wes Bryant
Diane Burgess
Joel Coombs
Sue Dobson
Tony Duran
Jason Fabbi
Cliff Jackson
Sheri Johnson
Beth Jones
Michael Kirk
Ron Mazz
Bill Moore
Peggy Sue Moore
Rima Muth
Wayne Muth
Mary Beth Paladino
Pat Skeary
JoAnn Sprott
Mick Sprott
Lorrilee Stackhouse
Phyllis Syzdek
Nancy Tatum
Jack Toogood
Del Walkenshaw
Gary Webb
Kerry "Chops" Wenzl
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