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Junior Members Rockstar Club
The youth group meets at the Shop on the second Sunday of most months from 3-5 PM led by Wendy Dresser. Each meeting features educational and fun activities. Specimens donated by members are often distributed to help build collections. There are occasional field trips, although youth members are also encouraged to attend regular club field trips. SNGMS members with special areas of interest often participate in the meetings.
Appropriate age range is 5-13 yrs. An adult must accompany youth to all programming offered.

The Rockstars are an active and enthusiastic group who are SNGMS earth scientists, geologists, paleontologists, and lapidary artists under the age of 18. The American Federation of Mineralogical Societies has a robust badge program and our local group is working on earning these badges. They also participate in other AFMS Future Rockhounds of America programs.